Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. . . . no, really, Merry Christmas. Put down the “to do” list and take a moment. 

Stop already. 

Jesus Christ has come. 

Jesus is the reason for the season. 

So, stop scurrying and take a moment and . . .
. . .be still and know that he is God.

God so loved you that he sent his only son, Jesus, to save you and make you new.

Jesus Christ is born!

Jesus lived among us for a time.

Jesus came so that we could have life and have it to the FULL.

Jesus died . . . was buried . . . resurrected . . . ascended . . . and is COMING AGAIN!

Woo-Hoo, or Hallelujah, or fist-bump, or some other culturally applicable expression of joy. (Do your version now. Go ahead already!)

So be still. Know. Bow. Worship. Rejoice.

Merry Christmas.

It is the end of the year and if you want to help out our little church with a financial gift we would greatly appreciate it. But only give if it comes from a place of Joy. 

Each new church is prayer for revival and a place where we hope Christ’s Kingdom will flourish and be born all over again.

Please give if you feel led. 

We are close to having a 24/7 space (please join us in praying for this).

Our small group has committed to give $5,500 monthly—this is 10% more than our budget. But our budget does not include any extras. We are asking the larger community of Gathering watchers to help us get some equipment, supplies and budgetary margin to accomplish some outreach activities. 

Thank you for praying for The Gathering as we chase our vision to change life as we know it through the love, loyalty and friendship with Jesus.

Send checks to:
The Gathering in Carmel
484 E. Carmel Dr., Ste 285
Carmel, IN  46032

Blessings and Merry Christmas,

The Gathering Team

Sam & Kim Howard

David & Amanda Foust

Marc & Amy Imboden

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